The Thirsting The Thirsting - Come Hold My Son

A cold night in Bethlehem
No fire to warm her hands
She gives birth to the word made flesh
The Bread of Life, she puts in a manger

She won't understand
Why they come to adore Him
But she'll say, "come hold my son,
Come hold my son."

At the temple she holds Him
His eyes have seen His salvation
Two turtle doves behold Him
And she presents Him to the world

She won't understand
Why a sword will pierce Her heart
But she'll say, "come hold my son,
Come hold my son."

Come hold Jesus
Come hold Jesus

In the streets of Jerusalem
She cries out loud “where is my boy?
He's gone to serve His father now
His father's house is where He dwells.”

She won't understand
His father's standing next to Him
But she'll say, "come hold my son,
Come hold my son."

On the hill of Calvary
A woman behold your son
She watches Him nailed to a tree
The child she bore grasps for air

A loud cry and her heart is pierced
The child she held has gone from her
His body hangs without life
They take Him down from the tree
They lay Him in His mother's arms
They lay Him in her arms

She won't understand
Why her son had to die
But she said, "come hold my son,
Come hold my son."